- B.S. in GitHub, GitHub University, 2012
- M.S. in Jekyll, GitHub University, 2014
- Ph.D in Version Control Theory, GitHub University, 2018 (expected)
Work experience
- Summer 2015: Research Assistant
- Github University
- Duties included: Tagging issues
- Supervisor: Professor Git
- Fall 2015: Research Assistant
- Github University
- Duties included: Merging pull requests
- Supervisor: Professor Hub
- Skill 1
- Skill 2
- Sub-skill 2.1
- Sub-skill 2.2
- Sub-skill 2.3
- Skill 3
Subspace clustering for the finite mixture of generalized hyperbolic distributions
Talk at International Workshop on Model-based Clustering and Classification (MBC2), Catania, Italy
Effect of penalisation on a mixture of factor analysers
Talk at 12th International Conference ofthe ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2019), Waterloo, Canada
Finding a regularized common projection in model-based clustering (…or so I thought)
Talk at Statistics and Actuarial Science Student Seminar Series, Waterloo, Canada
Adapting the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) to help students take control of their learning
Talk at Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Eduacation (STLHE 2021), Canada
Topics in component merging in model-based clustering
Talk at 2021 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC 2021), Canada
Why would I need this again?
Talk at Statistics and Actuarial Science Student Seminar Series, Waterloo, Canada
Mode merging for non-Gaussian Finite Mixtures
Talk at MBC2, Catania, Italy
Service and leadership
- Currently signed in to 43 different slack teams